Friday, March 30, 2007

What Can I Do?

It is time for you and I to act. Our Village officials must understand how stongly we feel about this issue. Do as many of the following as you can and get your neighbors to do the same.

Contact your Village Officials Their names and contact info can be found at the bottom of this page.

Sign our e-petition. Follow this link and then forward the link to others:

Attend the Village Board meeting when the expansion is addressed. We will notify you by email if you wish, we will post the date on this website and we will send out a flyer to each residence. Whether you address the board yourself or just show your support for those who do, let your voice be heard.

Any citizen can address the board; stand up and simply tell them that you don't want a WalMart SuperCenter and why. The more residents they hear from, the more likely it is they will find a way to "just say no."

However you contact your officials, in person, by phone, email, or letter; you must tell them WHY you don't want the SuperCenter. They will not respond to statements with no back up. So tell them: too much traffic, crowded parking lot, loss of small businesses, too many grocery stores...they will listen when enough of us speak out.

Vote for the following candidates for Village Trustee on April 17:
Phil Morris
Joe Micheletto
Margaret Moggio
John Navin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do we contact them when they are so hostile to deal with? I called each one of the members. They were nasty on the phone. I politely asked to sign my name to their list of those who stand against the expansion of Walmart. They were horrible on the phone. I have never dealt with such hostile, unkind, disrespectful, and unprofessional leadership before. So, this is a first time of this type of experience for me. I look forward to voting most of them out of their positions because of the way they dealt with me on the phone. Okay, back to my question. How do you contact such hostile leadership?