Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Many people are sort of shrugging about the proposed Supercenter expansion at Cottonwood Mall because they think the tax revenue it will generate will go to the schools--but that's a MYTH.

In fact, because the Supercenter exists in a TIF district, the tax revenue generated would likely go towards the cost of the expansion itself on infrastructure.

The Neighborhood Capital Budget Group (NCBG) has some good background on TIFs here:

How TIFs Work


Anonymous said...

Where is all the info? I received a flier addressed to me in the mail (which I did not sign up for), however I thought I would check out the website to see what the fuss is all about. Your flier talks about traffic studies. What is that and why is it important to this issue. Again where is a explanation of the issues listed in the flier? It's not on the website the flier directs you to. I see a lot of bashing the commission's members, but no real facts or explanations to back up the issues listed in the flier.

Anonymous said...

My concerns with this:
1. Influx of people from various surrounding people into our neighborhoods attracted by Super Walmart (rough people).
2. Huge bottle neck of traffic near neighborhood.

Questions I have:
1. Why is Walmart allowed to expand in front of all these neighborhoods. Why can't they move to a location that is more remote and away from residential neighborhoods?
2. If Walmart is getting a tax break, why would it when Glen Carbon can't even afford a full time fire department and representatives?
3. Why do the representatives act as if they don't care about my phone calls?
4. Why are all Glen Carbon's decisions made without the concern for the community?
a. allow zoning for Lowe's next to Home Depot (taking out the rollerskating rink that our children enjoyed).
b.This Walmart isn't best for the citizens.

Anonymous said...

I have spoken with the zoning person. He took my name down and tried to intimidate me by asking personal questions which had nothing to do with my question about the zoning for Walmart. He told me Walmart does pay taxes (sales and real estate tax)even though it is in a TIF area. When I tried to ask further questions about why Walmart was allowed to escape taxes, he continued to try and get my personal address. I asked him what the purpose was for getting that information. He said he was just jotting it down. When I asked if he was presenting the number of people for the board, he said no he wasn't giving the information to the board of commissioners. He said that I was the only person who called. When I commented on the hundred people who showed up for the meeting, he said that no one else had called him regarding the expansion of Walmart (meaning no one cared). Again, this felt as if to intimidate. I have made several other phone calls only to find this group of leadership to have already decided that Walmart has their permission to expand regardless of what the community says. They are very unprofessional on the phone, and at the very least very rude to deal with...